The last one - Petra a Radim

It is Sunday, 23rd May. The holy mountain Gonporancen is hidden among clouds and we are looking out for Štěpán, Nikol and Hilda who should finally reach Kargyak. On account of bad weather they are arriving one week later than expected. Our rucksacks are after 5 months again full crammmed, shoes greased and our feelings are mixed. Last weeks brought several interesting moments. To begin with Kargyak´s countryside that has slowly changed from rocky desert to a nicely green valley. Thanks to a strong sun and a highly ingenious system of canal irrigation, barley fields slowly show their teeth. In such conditions the majority of young unmarried women had to leave for doxa with all the village´s yaks, sheep, goats and dzos so that green barley fields aren´t eaten up by animals.

Doxa girls stay in doxa camp during whole summer (until harvest) and they supply whole village with fresh milk products and yak dungs. 
A wave of suspense ran through the school once more, because of the second governmental test period. Everything passed without problems and when everything had been over, we could read a big relief in the kids´faces.
The surrounding wild nature has awoken. On the hillsides behind the school we spot every morning an ibex flock grazing on green clumps. Next to the irrigation canal there is a marmot burrow. Whenever we go around, they greet us with their loud whistling.
Snow storms have ceased for the last few days. Thanks to that we could undertake a trip to surrounding hills. In the altitude of about 5000 metres appeared incredibly nice views on snow-covered peaks.
There has been an elfish atmosphere in the school these days because of a wonderful weather. The latest school hit by now are paper aeroplanes. Tibetan construction rivals with the Czech one. Both are quite successful. Another mania are colouring books. The most favourite character is without any doubts The Little Mole.
Our farewell went together with a lively atmosphere and a vital contribution of always present chang. There were few tears in the school, we made a school photo, we said julley to our Indian friend Don. Tomorrow we will pass on the torch to Štěpán and Nikol and we will set out for a huge trip that will come to its end 30th June in the airoport of Vienna. Have a great time wherever you are! PR
PS: Chuskit Sonam, Chuskit Chimet, Chuskit Dolma and Tenzin Tsiring from class III say julley!

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